Geneva Airport Conference Centre
Monday 30 September 2024
Traffic is rebounding and there is a clear roadmap for the future. 2024 is expected to be a record year for aviation globally but aviation needs to adapt to a new normal and to more demanding passengers. Aviation has been committed to reduce the CO2 emissions but the path to carbon-neutral flying is long, costly and bumpy given the continually growing demand for sustainable mobility and the stringent policy framework. Aviation needs to move towards a cleaner, more cost-effective, efficient model without undermining its competitiveness.
Europe’s aviation sector has unveiled its flagship sustainability initiative “Destination 2050 – A route to net zero European aviation”. It is driven by a new independent report which provides a vision and path for meaningful CO2 emission reduction efforts in Europe and globally. But reports have to be implemented to produce results. Given the emergency of the situation the change should not be slow and gradual but a radical transformation.
This year is a critical year as it marks the elections for the new European Parliament and the new European Commission and the US Presidential elections. The electoral results will have serious implications for future economic and environmental policies. The ongoing war in the Ukraine and the highly volatile situation in the Middle East, the growing inflation and to the geopolitical and economical volatility.
The one day Geneva Aviation Forum will try to explore the expectations for the new European Commission, the items on the wish list and the reality check: potential solutions opportunities, threats and feasibility. Another topical issue that will be discussed, given the CAAF/3 in Dubai that calls for facilitating the scale-up of the development and deployment of SAF, LCAF and other aviation cleaner energies, is Europe’s efforts towards decarbonisation.
12:00 Airport tour
13:30 Welcome coffee
14:00 Welcome addresses
-Dr Kostas Iatrou, Director General, Hermes – Air Transport Organisation*
-Andre Schneider, CEO, Genève Aéroport*
14:15 Keynote address
Nicolas Rallo, Regional Director, ICAO – European and North Atlantic Office*
14:35 Organisations panel
-Ariaen ZIMMERMAN, Head of Operations and Programs, ASA – Airport Services Association*
-representative, EUROCONTROL
15:45 Coffee break
16:15 Industry panel
Catalin Radu, Director General, Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan*
Pascal Hochstrasser, the Head of Tower and Approach in Geneva, Skyguide*
Simon Newitt, President & Chief Commercial Officer, Heart Aerospace
Bernard Hoffait, VP Institutional Relations SAF, TotalEnergies
Alexander Kuper, VP Renewable Aviation Business, NESTE*
17:30 Closing remarks
18:00 Gala dinner